Genetica als metafoor, CLOSER van DEEP BLUE Het gezelschap Deep Blue is piepjong (?2003) en met Closer aan hun eerste productie toe. Ze brengen frisse opvoeringen met een vervlechting van theorie omtrent technologie, theaterwetenschap en danspraktijk. Alle performers hebben ervaring bij het gezelschap van Meg Stuart, waarbij hun persoonlijk aangebracht dansmateriaal sporen toont uit het gezelschap Damaged Goods. Redenen genoeg om hier wat dieper op in te gaan. Biografie en situering De vzw Deep Blue bestaat uit drie leden: H
Mon 20-05-2002 : urban mag

The performance you saw yesterday had something to do with the way our bodies are composed of cells and genesÖ and dance is connected in some way with that ? "Well yes, actually you get two different lines in this whole story. On one hand there is the story of the composition of a body out of different genes and cells, and this might relate it to the way a computer is constructed or how language is constructed: it is a matter of a combination of codes. You could see this as a handy trick to relate computer music and dance. Another way of looking at it is: if you zoom in on the body this ex
Fri 15-10-2004 : klara (radio), Dominique van Besien

De keuze van onze recensenten Geert Sels Toneelhuis: Oom Vanja ZT Hollandia: Richard III Ro Theater: Proust III Tg Monk: Couleur locale Tg Stan/Dito Dito: Zien en zien Heine Avdal/Christophe De Boeck: Closer Crew: Crash Union Suspecte: De leeuw van Vlaanderen Elke Van Campenhout; Kris Verdonck: Catching whales is easy Abattoir Fermé: Galapagos Abattoir Fermé: Bloetverlies Jan Ritsema: Pipelines Tg Stan/Dito Dito: Zien en zien Olga de Soto: Histoire(s) Crew: Crash Jean-Luc Ducourt: Pourquoi quand je te regarde je me vois pas? Mark Cloostermans 't Barre L
Wed 25-08-2004 : De Standaard, Geert Sels e.a.

On stage with them, the desire and fear of contact Deeply original and sensitive, Closer, at the contemporary dance festival yesterday night Take off your shoes, let's put on our headphones. We penetrate into the black AÈronef and wander through the labyrinth of a tubular forest, carried by sonorous signals which connect to our brain directly. Ready for the encounter of the 3rd type, we leave the statute of spectator to become actor. Of which universe? And what are we then? Suddenly, on the floor, a dancer, her naked legs in the splitting light. In our ears, pulsations and hissing, rackl
Wed 23-06-2004 : La Voix du Nord

Het lichaam wordt een vreemde In het halfduister schuifelen de toeschouwers tussen neerhangende houten afscheidingen. Uit hun koptelefoons sijpelen onrustwekkende geluiden hun hoofd binnen. Schurende, tikkende, schuifelende klanken, die zich in hun denken nestelen. Door een houten traliewerk worden lichtbalken zichtbaar, die de hele ruimte iets ongemakkelijks geven. Alsof je terecht komt in een vervreemdend normaal aandoende thriller. De twee dansers staan tussen de kijkers in, hun lichamen vlakbij, en toch onherkenbaar. De formatie Deep Blue heeft met Closer opnieuw een bijzonder int
Fri 11-06-2004 : De Standaard, Elke Van Campenhout

Closer gets under your skin To listen to your body with your eyes With closer the Deep Blue collective presents something the title was promising: it gets under your skin, but the closer you get to your own body, the more it transforms into a strange object. The image of the body doesn't get any clearer, no matter how well you are listening. At the end of last year the Nobel prize was awarded to the scientists who developed the MRI technique in the seventies. This technique allows us to visualise organs and tissue by employing a magnetic field and radio waves. The importance of medical
Fri 12-03-2004 : De Morgen

Heine Avdal, Christoph De Boeck and Yukiko Shinozaki form ‘Deep Blue’, a small scale independant dance company operating in Brussels. Despite coming from different backgrounds, Avdal trained as a dancer in Norway, Shinozaki trained as a dancer and psychologist in Japan and the US, and De Boeck with a PhD. thesis on political theatre and a parallel activity as electronic composer, the three of them work together like they’ve never done anything else, even if they’ve only made two creations: “Terminal” (2001) and “closer” (2003). Both pieces sha
Sun 20-02-2005 : interview