After studying graphic design, Wouter Krokaert (BE) worked as a performer with Meg Stuart and Gary Hill, Rachid Ouramdane, Claude Wampler, Emmanuelle Huynh, Marc Vanrunxt, Barbara Mavro Thalassitis, and with Christian Rizzo. With Barbara Mavro Thalassitis he co-signed the choreography of ‘La chaise pliante et la gravité du brouillard.’ In the project ‘Time has fallen asleep in the afternoon sunshine’, a project of Mette Edvardsen about memory, he is a living book.
He made drawings for the Royal Museum of Art and History of Brussels, for the exhibition ‘Le cas du sac’ in the Musée de la Mode et du Textile in Paris, for ‘Promenadologie’, a project of Charlotte Geldof for Recyclart, the book ‘Reuze!’ of Gregy De Maeyer, and others. ‘Paysage avec Jeanne’, a book in which he confronted his proper drawings with those of Jeanne Le Peillet, was edited at Frémok. He participated to the exhibition ‘Extra’ in Espace le Carré in Lille and had a solo-exhibition at Cartiers Latins in Brussels.
His project ‘Kanttekeningen’, in which he works on the relationship between his drawing and his dancing, is still in progress.
Nowadays, plants are the basic elements in his drawings, installations, gardens, ...

Wouter collaborated as a performer to Field Works-office.