Marlene Bonnesen is an Oslo-Copenhagen based dancer and performer. She holds a BA in dance and choreography from The Danish National School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen in 2015, and an MA in Dance from The National Academy of The Arts in Oslo, 2023. She has toured and performed works by Angels Margarit (ES), recoil performance group (DK), Running Sculptures (DK), GAZART (DK), Ellen Jerstad (NO), and Naya Moll (DK). She is a co-founder of the dance collective Danseatelier in Copenhagen which is a space to share practices, host workshops, festivals, and develop artistic ideas and concepts through a collective lens.  With a strong interest in exploring what it means to work as a dancer, she is finding ways of working ‘inside-out’ through bodily exploration, and she enjoys facilitating and embodying other people’s ideas, and to give space and time for physical investigations and exhaustive states of moving. Marlene started working with fieldworks in 2024 in their production "until".