“carry on Bergen” is created within the frame of Oktoberdans 2016 Festival in Bergen (NO). During five days Avdal and Shinozaki together with four performers and two sound/media designers, bring their installative performance into the former public swimming hall Sentralbadet.

Concept & direction: Heine Avdal, Yukiko Shinozaki
Created & performed by Heine Avdal, André Eiermann Ingrid Haakstad, Yumi Osanai, Krisjanis Sants, Yukiko Shinozaki, Veronica Thorseth
Sound design: Roeland Luyten
Sound & installation: Tetsuya Umeda
Text and dramaturgy: André Eiermann
Production: fieldworks, Heine Avdal
Co-production: STUK (Leuven), Pact Zollverein (Essen), NPO Offsite (Tokyo), Theatergarasjen (Bergen)/APAP (APAP is supported by the European culture program)
With the support of Norsk Kulturråd, Vlaamse Overheid, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, apap-Performing Europe 2020 - a project co-founded by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union